Term of use

1. Use of BetinfoTips.Com
All those, who visit our web site, post comments on our articles or read the articles and other contents on the site, count a users of the site.
By using the site, the user accepts the following terms and conditions:
The operator reserves the right to change the terms and conditions without any previous warning. Knowing the current terms of use of the site is the responsibility and obligation of the user.
Any change, wich might affect or hinder the site in proper working, is strictly forbidden, except for the operators of the site.
Should you have any further questions or remarks regarding our terms and conditions, please find our e-mail address under the Contact menu, our operators will gladly answer your letters.
2. Information about the mental properties present on the site
Unless marked differently, all mental properties present on the site belong to the operators. The use of the mental properties published by the operator (posts, pages, reviews, articles, etc.) are regulated by the rules of Creative Common License. All use, which would cross these rules, would need the previous, written approval of the author.
3. Restriction of responsibility:
The contents published on the site would under no circumstances count as offers, they are only informative insights of the editors. The operator, the authors and the editors take no responsibility for any financial harm caused by using the contents of the site.
The operator of the site does it’s best to provide a high quality, uninterrupted service on the site. Therefore, the operator takes no responsibility for the unforeseen issues (database damage, unauthorised use, server downtime, etc.) of the page. The operator also does not take any responsibility for the incidental financial, or other harms caused by the issues mentioned above.
The contents downloaded through external links and banner ads (any link pointing outside betinfotips.com) are in no terms influenced by our site. There fre, the operator takes no responsibility for any of those contents. In case the authorised personal asks for it, the operator would hange or remove these links from the site.
BetInfoTips.com (including all pages and contents) are only meant for people over 18 years of age. This is also pointed out by the operator, using a sign at the bottom of each page. The operator od the site does not have the possibility to control the age of the site’s users, therefore, the operator can not take any responsibility for any case, where underage people are visiting the page despite all warning.
4. Terms of use
Anyone can comment on the posts and the articles published on the site, after logging in using their Facebook profiles.
The operator s reserves the right to remove any comment from the page without any previous warning or justification. The same applies for the comments under the posts of the site’s official Facebook page.
The following comments would be – without notification – permanently deleted:
- Comments that break the current laws.
Any comments counts to be a wrondoer, wich, at the point of their publishing, confronts the currenty operative law, or contains provocation for criminal activity or any action that confronts the law. Also those, wich contain a reply or application for these calls. - Aggressive, harmful, disturbing or threatening comment.
The fact that a comment belongs in any of these categories would be decided by the editors of the site, regarding the general topic of the conversation. - Comments that are openly offensive towards these categories would be decided by the editors of the site, regarding the general topic of the conversation.
- Comments that are containing pictures, which are offensive to good taste, suitable for expressing hatred and intimidation or links to websites with such content.
- Topic-disruptive comments
- All comments that are deliberately and conspicuously attempting to hinder or disrupt the civilized, contiguous conversation count as a disprutive comment.
- Comments that are containing open or hidden advertisement.
- Comments that are expressing or implying political views.